Job vs Business: What’s Better?

Income generation doesn’t have to be too difficult. 

1. Growth: If you are entrepreneur , then you do more, you learn more, you get more. You have power to take decision, no one is interfere in your decision and you get opportunities. this help you in your growing. If your are an employee, then you are working for someone. You don't get more opportunities to grow.

2. Income: Entrepreneur earn more than employee. If you are entrepreneur then you are getting profit. If you are employee you are just getting salary.

3. Flexibility: If you are an entrepreneur then you get flexibility of working hour, amount of work done and also getting time for personal thing. But as we get fixed working hours and fixed number of holiday.

4. Investment: If you are an entrepreneur, then you should have have unique idea and a knowledge of investment because business required huge investment. If you are an employee then you don't think about investment.

5. Risk: If you are an  entrepreneur , then you should take risk in business because business is all about taking risk. If you are an employee, then you don't think about risk. You just follow the orders from your superior.

6. Retirement: If you are entrepreneur, then you are create your business. No one can took your business. If your business is successful then it secure your and your's family future..If you are an employee then you should retire after a particular age because you get paid for you do for company. 


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